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  • Writer's pictureAmie

Temperature Blanket Roundup

The first quarter of 2021 is over, so I figured I'd give you a sneak peek of how my temperature blanket is coming along. In addition to my blanket, I'll show you some others from around the world! It's so cool to see how different our temps are!

Let's get started!

I'm in Louisiana, USA, and our weather has been absolutely crazy! So, my blanket is all over the place! The plan was for the lighter, pastel colors to be the colder temperatures, while the bolder colors would represent the hotter temperatures. I was already a little hesitant about my color choices, but I figured I'd try something new. Pic to the right shows the temperatures and the corresponding colors. Since I'm in the US, the temperatures are in Farenheit.

Pic to the left is a swatch of what the colors should look like together.

We had quite a few days that were in the 30's or 40's in the morning and 70's during the day. The biggest difference we had in one day was January 14. Our lowest temp for that day was 36° and the highest was 71°. (These are actual temperatures, not predictions.)

We even had a freeze in February, with the temps in the teens. That NEVER happens in South Louisiana! For those days, I used white since it was such an anomaly. Our highest temp so far was 82° in March. We are actually still having cool weather in April, so I'm very curious to see how the temps are in the summer. It will probably be miserably hot. :)

Here's my blanket thus far:

I'm just not loving it. But this happened with my 2017 blanket, and I ended up liking it a lot. So, I'm just going to keep going, and hopefully, I'll like the finished project!

That's enough about me, ready to see some others' blankets? :)


Jessica Kwiatkowski is the owner of Hooks & Loops By Jessica. Her work is really great, and you HAVE to check out her tiny creations (links below to her social media). I don't know how she does it!!!

Jessica lives in Indiana, USA, so her temperatures are also in Farenheit.

Here's her temperature chart and corresponding colors:

I absolutely LOVE the colors that she has chosen! It is a very pretty color palette! She is also doing something really unique: each month of her blanket is made with a different stitch.

Check it out:

Absolutely Beautiful!!!

Jessica is a very talented crocheter. You can check out her work (and follow her) at:


On to Calgary, Alberta Canada, where we meet up with Nida Hussain! Nida's business is called Yarn and Cupcakes, and she makes some of the cutest and unique amigurumi (that's plushies for you non crocheters).

Nida is doing something a little different with her temperature blanket; she is making hexagons! Her hexagons are made up of 2 colors; she has put the daily high as the inner color and the daily low as the outer color. Very cool!

Here are her color charts and colors used: (Temps are in Celsius)

Right now, Nida is storing her hexagons in bags, organized by week of the year. She will then sew them together. The pics below give you a good idea of what her blanket will look like.

I can't wait to see this blanket come together!

Check out Nida's other work (and follow her) at:


Sarah Baker is a crocheter based in London; her business is named Hartland Crochet Creations. Sarah makes some really nice creations, and she has a great variety of work. I especially like her shawls and blankets. Very lovely!!!

Here is her color chart, temperatures are in Celsius:

I really LOVE her color choices! I think they are very pretty, and I can't wait to see how her blanket changes over the seasons. Here is her blanket so far:

I love it! Check out Sarah's website and social media (don't forget to follow!) at:


We finish our Temperature Blanket Round Up in Greece, where we catch up with Daiga Talentiene. Daiga is the creator of BebaBlanket, and her work is absolutely amazing! Her patterns are very unique and her color choices are perfect!

Here is her color chart, temperatures are in Celsius:

Daiga has titled her blanket the Mosaic Temperature Blanket and she is sharing the pattern with anyone who wants to make this gorgeous beast! The pattern runs as a Mystery CAL (Crochet Along) and is available free on Ravelry. You can see the pattern and follow along here.

Look at how beautiful this blanket is!

I absolutely love her use of different textures. I can't wait to see how this changes over the year.

Daiga is a very talented crochet designer. You can get her patterns and follow her at:


And that's it for today! As you can see, Temperature Blankets are very versatile! I find it so interesting to see what other crocheters are making and what colors they are using.

If you are making a Temperature Blanket and want to be featured on the next roundup, contact me!

Please show these makers support and follow them at their above links. And don't forget to follow your humble host (!): Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Also, if you're not already signed up for my emails, you can do so here.

Lastly, if you found this article interesting, please share! :)

Love to all,


PS: To see my planning process for the 2021 Temperature Blanket, you can do so here.

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