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  • Writer's pictureAmie

Temperature Blanket 2021 - Finished!

Happy New Year! Can I still say "Happy New Year" if it's February? Good lawd, it's been a crazy beginning to 2022!

My family got Covid in January, and it hit me especially hard (even though this is the 2nd time I've gotten it AND I'm vaccinated). It took about 3 weeks to get over it, but I'm finally fully back to work. And happy to be so!!!

Anyway, I thought I'd start the year by sharing my completed 2021 Temperature Blanket! I'm not going to go into the details of what colors I chose, or how I figured out how to make it, but if you'd like to check that out, you can do so here.

I live in Southern Louisiana, (waaay at the bottom of the US), and our weather is c-r-a-z-y! Since it's so weird, the blanket looks a little crazy, as well. I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it.

Without further ado, here it is...

See? It's a Here's the temperature chart, just to make sense of it:

It's pretty obvious that our most common temps were between 71° and 75°, since the blanket has so much peach. With our humidity, those temps would have felt more like the low 80s. Cool side note: we rank 3rd for the highest humidity in the US!

Here are a few more stats for my 2021 Blanket:

  • Biggest Difference between Low and High = February 23, 37°-72°, a 35° difference in 1 day!!!

  • Lowest Temperature = February 16 = 16°

  • We actually had ice and snow from February 14 - 16. That's extremely unusual for southern Louisiana!

  • Highest Temperature = 97° (would have felt like 110°) on the following dates: July 29, July 31, August 24 - 25.

So, there you go! If you made a 2021 Temperature Blanket, share with me! I'd love to see your creations! Either share them here in the comments, on my Facebook, or my Instagram. And don't forget to tag me; you can be featured in future blog posts or on my social media pages!

Love to all,


***I did check with the other crocheters who were featured in my 2021 Temp Blanket Round Up Blog to have their completed blankets in this post, but unfortunately, they have not finished their blankets yet. No judgement here, finishing one of these monsters is an extremely difficult thing!***

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