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150 Things To Do While Stuck At Home

Whether you're calling it social distancing or self quarantining, it all comes down to the same thing...being STUCK AT HOME! Because of my Multiple Sclerosis, me and my family are pros at being stuck in the house. And I remember how hard it is to do, especially in the beginning.

I wanted to help, so I planned on making a simple list of ways that I have coped with the isolation in the past that I could share on Facebook. However, that list very easily had about 30 items on it...a little big for a simple Facebook post. Then I thought of ways that my family has had fun over the last 8 years without going out. After asking my guys, we had almost 100 items on the list! At that point, I figured I'd go all out and try to get to 100.

Well, after doing some research, our list easily grew to over 150!

A few notes:

  • There are 8 different categories on this list: Personal & Family Favorites, Make a Difference, Get Creative, Entertainment, Education, Nature and Animals, Virtual Tours, and Extras.

  • Because we are all monitoring our personal finances in this time of crisis, I made sure that all of the items are free (unless supplies are needed). There are many other things to do now, that have a 30 day free trial. None of those are included here, since there is a fee after the 30 days.

  • There were many other things that I found while researching, but some of them had low quality sites. I have personally checked out all sites in this list, so you can have the best experience possible.

  • I know some of these things aren't feasible for all, since you may need supplies, but many companies are still offering delivery services, some even with free shipping.

  • I've included links to some resources (books, games, etc) that I've used in the past. These are just personal recommendations, I am not a sponsor in any way.

I really hope this list can help anyone with cabin fever. With activities for individuals, couples, and families, there should be something for everyone! I know how hard it is to adjust to such extreme lifestyle changes, but we will be okay! Take care of each other. Take care of yourselves, We can do this. :)

Personal & Family Favorites

  1. Color Pages - this was actually occupational therapy for me at one point, and I LOVED it! For some very creative locally themed (New Orleans) coloring pages, click here for the Freebies over at Sarah Clostio Artistry. To see over 600 adult coloring pages that I have saved on my Pinterest, go here.

  2. Card Games

  3. Have a Movie Marathon. When I was at home by myself, my favorites to binge were the Lord of the Rings Movies. I watched them over and over, because they made my heart smile, which is the whole point. As a family, we usually watched Harry Potter. You can very easily use up time when you watch a series that is so long (Star Wars is also a good one).

  4. Pray or meditate.

  5. Highs & Lows. This is something we have done since it was just The Husband and I. We usually do it at dinner time, and it's a great way to learn about each others' day. You go around and share your "low" for the day and your "high" for the day. It may seem strange to share a low, but the point is to put things into perspective. If your low is that traffic was bad, that's not such a bad day (especially compared to other parts of the world). I HIGHLY recommend this, whether you're stuck inside or not.

  6. Board Games. This is definitely a family favorite!

  7. Jigsaw Puzzles

  8. Learn a yarn skill: Crochet, Knitting, Etc. Obviously, this became a HUGE part of my life, hence this crochet website. I taught myself using books, mostly this one. If you are more of a visual learner, YouTube might be best for you. I highly recommend the videos by The Crochet Crowd. And there are just as many knitting resources out there too! Follow me on Pinterest to see over 1000 crochet patterns, tips, and techniques.

  9. Learn a wood skill: Woodworking, Whittling, Wood Burning, Etc. My husband picked up woodworking and actually built our youngest son a bed! He really likes the plans and how-to instructions from BuildSomething.

  10. Learn a fabric/thread skill: Sewing, Cross Stitch, Embroidery. I'm pretty new at sewing, but I enjoy it so far! Once again, I learned with a book, since I'm old school like that. ;) And once again, it is one of the Idiot's Guide books. (They are actually very good!) I'm working on cross stitch too, but I may be too impatient for it. I was learning via different websites.

  11. Video Games with the Family - we especially love to have Mario Kart Competitions! Wii Sports Tournaments are fun too and can keep the family active.

  12. Read a Book! I've always been a reader, and I think books will always have a special place in my heart. Re-read an old favorite, or trade books with a family member (that lives in your house). Your library may offer free Ebooks, and Freedom Homeschooling put out a list of many sites that also offer free Ebooks.

  13. Listen to a Book! The Husband commutes to work and likes audio books, and he accesses them through our local library. If your library doesn't offer audio books, or there aren't much to choose from, Audible is offering some stories for free as long as school is out. You can also get a 30 day free trial to access all that they have to offer. Link to free stories is here. Many companies always offer free audio books. You can find a list of those companies here.

  14. Brush up on your beauty skills with Makeup Tutorials and Hair Tutorials.

  15. Yoga, Stretching, or Pilates. I have done Pilates as physical therapy for years, and it is extremely beneficial.

  16. FaceTime with Family! And if you have different phones than your loved ones, you can use the Duo app.

  17. Scavenger Hunt Inside And/Or Outside. I used to do these for my kids all of the time when they were little. You can find scavenger hunt ideas online or make up your own. It's a great way to keep them busy when they have a lot of energy, and it also builds early reading skills.

  18. Soak Up Some Sun! Go and get some Vitamin D; it's good for you!

  19. Take a Nap! Seriously. Sometimes your body just needs to rest; listen to it.

  20. Digital Organization. Organize your picture, movies, and music files.

  21. Dress Up or Have a Silly Fashion Show. Break out the old Halloween costumes, or let the kids wear your clothes for a bit of silly fun.

  22. Build a Fort!

  23. Learn a New Language. I'm currently brushing up on my Spanish using the free app Duolingo. Duolingo offers courses on 35 different languages and is extremely easy to use. I highly recommend it!

  24. Paint. We have painted for fun many times, mainly because I have NO skill, but if you want to paint like a pro, there are many YouTube channels with tutorials. And you can always watch Bob Ross, who is currently streaming on Netflix.

  25. Comedy Night! The husband and I have done this before as an at-home date. Pick a stand up comedian to watch (we use Netflix), get some popcorn, and get ready to laugh!

  26. Start a Journal. Don't know where to start? A quick internet search will bring up hundreds of writing prompts.

  27. Conversation Starters. This is a great way to bond with your family. We have some Table Topic Sets, but you can always just search "conversation starters". We have really had fun with this very simple activity.

  28. Scrapbooking.

  29. Photography.

  30. Photo Editing. Now that you have spare time, edit all of those pics that are just hanging around. If you're editing from your phone, the Snapseed app is fantastic! It's one of the best apps out there, and it's free!

  31. Try New Recipes or Take Online Cooking Classes. If you like to follow videos, the Cajun Ninja is a local favorite. If you like written recipes, my personal Pinterest has over 1000 Pins.

  32. Catch up on Home Repairs.

  33. Spring Cleaning. This is the perfect time to deep clean! This site has a lot of cleaning checklists, but slide #5 is the one my family uses. It's extremely detailed and fits our household well.

  34. Plant a Garden for Fruits and Veggies. Not only will it give you something to do, but you can really save money by planting your own food. Plus, you know exactly where it comes from and what chemicals are used. Whether you are a new gardener or a pro, you can always get great info from the Farmers' Almanac.

  35. Word Searches.

  36. Crossword Puzzles.

  37. Mad Libs. A family favorite. We giggle like a bunch of little kids with this one. There are tons of printable ones online.

  38. Create Paper Dolls/Action Figures. This is fun, and if you have Popsicle sticks, you can tape the drawings to them and put on a puppet show.

  39. Sit in Silence. When there is a lot going on, sometimes you need to just sit and be. Be still, be quiet, be calm. Let your emotions and thoughts flow freely. I did this a LOT when I first got sick, and it really helped me to process what I was going through at the time.

  40. While you're just sitting, try some Breathing Techniques! I learned some really great ones from a therapist a while back to help with severe anxiety.

  41. Podcasts. I'm not a fan (I'd rather music), but my youngest son is! There are podcasts for everything; he's actually been listening to a Pokemon podcast.

  42. Quizzes. When I've gotten REALLY bored, this was always something that sucked me in. I'd start with "Which Harry Potter Character Are You?" and somehow end up with "What Color is Your Dog's Aura?"

  43. Have a Spa Day with the stuff you already have on hand. Paint your nails, use a face mask, do a hair treatment.

  44. Have a Nerf War!

  45. Organize, Organize, Organize! Garage, shed, kitchen, closets...anything that needs a good sorting.

  46. Teach Your Kids Life Lessons, such as shaving, financial responsibility, cooking, cleaning, etc.

  47. Legos. I loved Lego as a kid, and my youngest son did too! And if you loved Lego too, I recommend watching the show Lego Masters, currently streaming on Hulu. It's super fun!

  48. Online Worship Services. Many churches are offering their own services online, either through their websites or Facebook Lives. If your church does not, conduct an internet search for your religion; there are many options right now.

  49. Easter Egg Hunt! If you don't have plastic Easter Eggs around, use something else, like blocks, tennis balls, etc. If you don't have an outside yard, this can be done in the house.

  50. Try a new genre. Whether it's television, movies, or music, try something new! My son loves anime, and I thought I could never like it. Wellll, that all changed once I tried "Fairy Tail" and "Attack on Titans". I'm now a huge anime nerd!

Make a difference!

  1. Send Cards/Drawings to nursing homes.

  2. Send Cards/Drawing to our troops. A great organization that you can help is Cajuns Support Military. They send out care packages every month to our troops.

  3. Take time to Review Small Businesses. Many small businesses are struggling right now, but there are ways to help, even if they are closed! One of the easiest ways is to give a positive review! There are many platforms that have reviews: Google, Yelp, Facebook Pages, etc. If you want to review yours truly, I would absolutely appreciate any honest reviews. You can do so on my Facebook Page.

  4. Do Yard Work for your Neighbors.

  5. Sew and Donate Face Masks. JoAnn Fabrics has released some patterns and tutorials for these masks. IMPORTANT: these masks are NOT a replacement for a medical mask. As a matter of fact, in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, crafters were told not to make masks because they are not as effective. However, now the need is so large, that many places are taking mask donations, even hospitals (for the patients to use).

  6. Foster a Pet. Unfortunately, shelters are become even more crowded than normal, because people are dropping off the family pets out of fear from the coronavirus. Your pets will not catch COVID-19, please don't get rid of them! Instead, help out by fostering (or adopting) a pet at your local shelter!

  7. Sign Petitions. Go to to find petitions that appeal to you.

  8. The Library of Congress is asking for help transcribing documents. No experience necessary!

Get Creative!

  1. Write a Poem.

  2. Write a Short Story. You can even share your stories on an online forum!

  3. Simple Craft Projects. There is no shortage of craft projects online, including some listings on Michael's and JoAnn Fabrics. Also, Pinterest is a gold mine for simple crafts.

  4. Daily Drawing Lessons: Mo Willems, a best selling author and illustrator, is offering free drawing lessons for kids. See his videos on his YouTube Channel.

  5. Online Dance Lessons. Ballet Nova Center for Dance is offering free live stream lessons daily on their Facebook Page.

  6. Harptoons has Drawing Lessons on their website and a live show daily on their Facebook Page.

  7. Disney's Imagineering in a Box. Create your own theme park and character at this website.

  8. Draw With Rob. Illustrator Rob Biddulph is offering free drawing lessons on his website. You can also share the drawings with #DrawWithRob to be featured on one of his social media platforms.


  1. Free Concerts. Many artists are offering free live stream concerts. Here are 2 lists that are supposed to be updated regularly: Billboard for pop musicians. NPR has a list of different genres, with some lesser known artists.

  2. Host your own Netflix Watch Party! This is a fun way to watch your favorite shows/movies with your loved ones while social distancing. Instructions can be found here.

  3. The Paris Opera House is offering some of its archived shows free of charge. Find them here. This website also has a platform called 3e Scene, which always has free content, such as short movies, documentaries, and art videos.

  4. The London Globe Theater has many Shakespeare plays online. Some are free, but most have a rental fee. Check them out here.

  5. The Metropolitan Opera House is offering a free opera each night

  6. The Ballet! Marquee TV is offering some ballet performances for free right now, and their whole library is available with a 30 day free trial.

  7. Vienna State Opera. Their site is offering a free show per night

  8. Berliner Philharmoniker Digital Concert Hall is offering free access to all of their concert and film content. There is a voucher that you have to redeem that is located on the home page.

  9. Celebs Read books online at Storyline Online. You can browse all books, search by book, or search by celebrity (I personally love the one by Betty White!) You can also follow Instagram #SaveWithStories to see videos submitted directly by celebs.

  10. Astronauts Read from Space. Check out the titles here.


  1. Maker Kids: Virtual STEM camps in coding, robotics, and Minecraft

  2. STEM Works: subjects like Crime Scene Investigation, Weather, Robotics, Video Games, and Medical Innovations.

  3. Educational Shows Streaming: 150+ on Netflix List can be found here (it's been recently updated). Disney+ list can be found here.

  4. P.E. Classes. Coach Wood is a P.E. teacher at a local elementary school and he has started a daily video series. He uses fun techniques, such as a toilet paper workout, dance parties, and costume yoga: P.E. with Coach Wood. Also, Joe Wicks and his popular channel The Body Coach TV is offering daily P.E. videos. As of this writing, there is only 1 video, so I couldn’t really look into it too much.

  5. Scholastic is offering day to day projects for grades pre-k to 9. They can be found here.

  6. Kennedy Space Center is offering daily Science Lessons on their Facebook Page.

  7. Oceans Initiative. A Virtual Marine Biology Camp offering different activities/videos daily.

  8. School House Rock. Complete Series on their YouTube Channel.

  9. Soar with Wings: really cool program that teaches social and emotional awareness. There is a section with family activities and virtual field trips.

  10. Teaching with Testimony. This is a really cool series that teaches sympathy and concern for others.

  11. Online Dissection Resources from NAVS.

  12. Interactive Simulations for Science and Math, including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Earth Science from PHET.

  13. PBS!!! A personal favorite since growing up on "Sesame Street" and "Where in the World is Carmen San Diego", PBS now has science labs that offer info, videos, and games. The labs’ subjects are polar, evolution, cyber security, RNA, clouds, energy, and the sun.

  14. Cosmic Kids. Yoga video classes for kids.

  15. Mr. DeMaio. Funny Educational Videos on many different subjects.

  16. Generation Genius. Online Science lessons and videos for K-5th grade.

  17. Think Indigenous. Indigenous Educators Teach small lessons through Facebook Videos: many topics, including math, reading, dance, and stress management.

  18. Learn.Genetics. Learn all about genetics through this video series (there are some interactive activities too).

  19. YouTube Science. This Homeschool site has a list of YouTube channels that offer science lessons.

  20. YouTube History. This Homeschool site has a list of YouTube channels that offer history videos.

  21. Common Sense has resources for helping parents talk to their kids about COVID-19. This site also has many other educational resources.

  22. Robot Week! Cassie Stevens has a lot of fun stuff on her website that combines science and art.

  23. EXPLORE Livecams offers many different nature/animal live cams (including the Northern Lights!). If the camera that you are interested in isn’t currently streaming, there are highlights that can be watched.

  24. NASA makes their entire media library publicly available and copyright free.

  25. GoNoodle has movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts.

Nature and Animals

  1. Ranger Rick National Wildlife Federation is offering all of its website for free through June!

  2. San Diego Zoo Live Cams. Definitely the best animal site I found, includes multiple live cams, videos, activities, and games.

  3. Georgia Aquarium Live Cams. Click here.

  4. Houston Zoo Live Cams. Click here.

  5. The Atlanta Zoo has multiple Panda Cams!

  6. Monterey Bay Aquarium Live Cams. Click here.

  7. Polar Bears! Take a trip through the Tundra.

  8. Djuma Private Reserve Live Stream (located in South Africa). I like this one because you can rewind many hours. So, it's pretty easy to find some active animals.

  9. African Watering Hole Live Stream (located in Central Kenya). You can rewind this one too.

  10. Hidden worlds of the National Parks. I’ve seen a bunch of links for National Parks, but they just link to a Google Earth images (and I found them kind of boring). This site has much better content for 5 parks.

  11. Explore Mount Everest. This one is really cool. Other than seeing the nature, you can also live track some expeditions. Click here for the whole site.

  12. Explore the Virtual Rainforest. Click here.

  13. The National Aquarium (located in Maryland) has free live streams and activities on their site.

Virtual Tours:

  1. Winchester Mystery House: limited time only.

  2. Dairy Diary. Dairy Farm Tour.

  3. The Vatican has many different virtual tours and videos of museums. Even if you're not Catholic, you will still enjoy the beauty and history of these museums.

  4. Farm Food 360. Virtual Farm Tour.

  5. Explore the Surface of Mars. Click here.

  6. Johnson Space Center Virtual Field Trip

  7. STEM Virtual Field Trips. Versions for the US and UK.

  8. The Lourve. Click here.

  9. Google Arts and Culture has links to soooo many different museums, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, LIFE Photo Collection, the Anne Frank House, Acropolis Museum, and NASA. See the collection here.

  10. Blarney Castle. Take a trip to Ireland to see this wonder.

  11. Houston Space Center. Click here.

  12. Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Click here.

  13. The Holy Land. Click here.

  14. Buckingham Palace: this one was a little disappointing to me, because it only has 3 rooms, but it is still pretty cool to zoom in on the items in the rooms.

  15. Anne Frank House. Click here.

  16. US Airforce National Museum. Click here.

  17. George Washington's Mount Vernon. Click here.

  18. Palace of Versailles. Click here.

  19. The Met 360 Project. Tour the Met’s art and architecture with this interactive video series.

  20. Russia’s Hermitage Museum. Warning, this video is 5 hours long! BUT, it does include 45 galleries, 588 masterpieces, and live performances.

  21. National Gallery of Victoria (Australia). Click here for videos, virtual tours, and learning tools.

  22. Street Art. Another one from Google Art, here is a collection of Street Art that can be viewed from home.

  23. Banksy Street Art. View it here.


  1. Online Workouts.

  2. Learn Sign Language. There are many YouTube Channels that teach ASL (American Sign Language) with easy to follow videos.

  3. Nail Art.

  4. Origami.

  5. Hogwart's Digital Escape Room. I haven't done this one yet, but I can't wait to check it out!

  6. Online Singing Lessons

  7. Play an instrument. If you currently play an instrument, learn some new songs. If you have an old instrument hanging around, teach yourself how to play.

  8. Plant Flowers.

  9. Sports Drills. You may not be able to get a neighborhood game together, but you can always practice different sports drills. We did this a lot when the boys were little (with soccer). Pitch and catch, soccer passes, basketball and football drills, etc.

  10. Have an Email Sent to your Kids from Spiderman! Jake Johnson from Into the Spiderverse will send an email directly to your kids as Spiderman. This is so great, and the instructions can be found here.

  11. Dungeons & Dragons. DnD is a typically social game, but you can still play while at home. Check out this site to see how.

  12. Pokemon Go can be played more easily at home now. This article has more info.

  13. Sign up for Buzzfeed’s Quarantine Today Newsletter. They will send out a daily newsletter with cleaning tips, recipes, fun stories, and more. The past newsletters can be found here. Sign up for the newsletter here.

So, there you have it! Have something to add? Or did you try any of these? Comment below!

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest (a lot of these things are on my personal Pinterest, if you'd like to follow me there too). And lastly, if you found this list helpful, please share!

Lots of love,


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Mar 26, 2020

Melanie Stutes, I can't reply directly to you for some reason. Thank you so much for liking my post!!! Please share it; I would truly appreciate it.


Melanie Stutes
Melanie Stutes
Mar 26, 2020

This is fantastic! Thank you so much. Can I share this list?

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